
Saturday, April 25, 2009

News Release From: LAs The

News Release from: LAs The

Verve! Healthy Energy Drinks Give You a Natural Energy Boost

A Shot of Healthy Energy..!

If the thought of downing a bunch of sugar or experiencing the dreaded post-energy-drink crash has you hesitating, worry no more. Vemma Nutrition Company introduces Verve, a line of natural, good-for-you drink and shot blends that give your body vitamins, minerals, and anti-oxidant ingredients designed to naturally boost your energy level.

Verve is designed to meet active lifestyle challenges with its blend of 12 full-spectrum vitamins and 65 minerals. Added to the functional and refreshing mix is their exotic anti-oxidant laden mangosteen and glyconutrient-rich aloe vera superjuice blend, which promotes good health and helps fight free radical damage.

Because choosing the right amount of energy you need is difficult, Verve comes in two variations: Verve Energy Drink and the Verge Energy Shot. The Verve Energy Drink is a tropical fruit flavored beverage for anytime energy, containing 80 mg of caffeine (about the amount in a cup of coffee). The Verve Energy Shot, on the other hand, is a pocket or purse-sized 125 mg caffeine blast that will carry you through the most demanding day. Both products contain a full serving of Vemma®, powerful liquid nutrition. The Energy Shot does not require refrigeration so it’s ideal for long days or traveling. No excess sugar in either of these products - they are both available in natural low sugar or sugar free variations.

For more information on these vitamin-packed, fast-acting energy drinks,Click Here or Email direct to

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Work Gratification

Work Gratification

The reason I'm writing this article is to impress upon you the importance of being in control of your work situation. We spend such a large amount of our time away at work you should not be unhappy to go to work. In order to correct this, you need an understanding how to control the situation.

What are the components of work gratification?
1. The work to be done
2. Beginning to end results
3. Sense of accomplishment
4. Just busy, no point in trying
5. Trap of position
6. Proactive or Reactive
7. Control Levels
8. Ability to influence
9. Help Levels
10. Comfort Zone

OK, lets start with the Work to be Done. Do you feel the work is important to you and others. If you just found a job for the sake of just working, you may find that your work is lacking. Low productively, quality and no sense of urgency. If at all possible find something you believe in, by luck or persistence. It is as easy as taking charge of your choices, do not just settle for anything not right for you.

Beginning to end results. What I mean here is, not everyone has a job that lets you go from start to finish. Think of it as an assembly line. There are a lot of work cells doing a small part of the total job for a complete end product. This normally results in low satisfaction. You need to see a project develop, be put together and finally to completion. Office jobs tend to be the worst. Most people have a never ending inbox with an outbox they never seem to be able to fill.

Sense of accomplishment. The need to feel you are doing something important. The finishing of a job without purpose is a real problem. It brings down self worth and the person and job suffer.

Just busy, no point in trying. This is a point people reach when they feel the effects of the first three points covered. Understanding why your attitude and mind set are affected can help to improve your outlook and productively. Your attitude is the key to it all. You need to protect your attitude at all cost. Companies and personnel alike often over look this point and suffer greatly.

Trap of Position. This is how most companies try to improve productivity. They give you a title and a bit more money, yet they expect double the work results. At first they are happy only to realize later what they got themselves into by taking the title position. Companies rarely promote the best person for the job, but focus on the persons they feel they can control. Look long term and add up the hours to pay out before jumping on a title. See it for what it truly gives you.

Proactive or Reactive. Does your job allow you to be proactive being in charge, making decisions and controlling the work situation. A reactive environment allows you no control and you can only react to the happenings of your day to day affairs. It is easy to see which is more favorable.

Control Levels. How much control does your job allow? This effects attitude and self-esteem. It is a trust issue. Too many companies over look this issue. Personnel need to feel trusted enough to control the work environment. If a person feels trusted their productivity is high, but if they feel they are not then everything diminishes.

Ability to influence. Influences on a positive note are what we strive for but most often we feel only the negative. We want to feel our influences are favorable and impact people positively.

Help Levels. People want to feel they have the support of those around them, not left out by themselves. People become overwhelmed and feel better if they think there is help around them, even if they do not ask for or use it. The idea it is there is reassuring.

Comfort Zone. Too many people get complacent, they fall into a comfort zone and become stagnant. This tears down ones self-esteem and confidence. One must feel they can better themselves and reach new levels. Challenges met and completed build confidence, improve productively and attitudes.

Now with this said, keeping in mind you yourself are the controlling factor. What should we do with this information. Review your work situation and see if it is really what you want. More and more people are coming to realize that working for the companies big or small, just do not get much work gratification. The Internet is flooded with people looking for better jobs and ideas allowing them more freedom. Have patience and look for work opportunities that offer superior support, training and freedom. Review time commitments and company mission (Are they providing products or services you would be proud of ?). See yourself for what you are and take your strengths and find a work opportunity that compliments you.

For more information or questions Email us direct at:

Social Networking For Business

Social Networking for Business

Social networking for business is a must learn and must do for today's marketers. When done correctly it will insure the strength of your business and its longevity. If done incorrect, ensures a quick doom of your business. Far too many new business owners do just that.

As the name applies, it is social site, a place on the Internet which allows for people to gather and exchange personal information and ideas. Much like a Cyberspace pub, coffee house. People meet, become friends and share about themselves, their families, wants, likes, dislikes, jobs and etc. They look for like-minded people, so they can talk freely about the things that are important to them.

Why would they want to be social with you?

  1. They find you interesting

  2. They think you have something they want

  3. They believe you can help them get something they want

Now Social Networking is pretty easy when done right. As I said earlier, new marketers tend to be in a rush and forget to build a personal relationship first. They just blast everyone within three feet, that is breathing, about their products, services or business opportunities. This drives the new contact away quickly at great loss of time and resources. If you do not have a foundation of trust built up, then you are just a salesperson. "Get A Clue", no one likes a salesperson, not even other salespersons. It is so simple, treat people how you want to be treated. Win their trust and confidence by having a true interest in them and their lives. Find common ground, children, sports, autos, homes or just about anything you both enjoy.

Once you have built a friendship and relationship just listen. People tend to talk about what is right and what is wrong in their life. They will tell you how to sell them. You only have to listen, identify problems, needs, wants, desires, issues and provide solutions using your resources. Share with them how they can benefit. Note I did not say Sell but Share your knowledge and expertise. This also opens the door for additional sales and up sales. They will also bring referrals so be sure to ask who else you maybe able to help. If you take your time and build the relationship on trust, you build a long term relationship.

Now how does this apply to recruiting? Same as before, Listen...! Let them tell you what their hot buttons are, they will sell themselves. If you offer solutions to problems, needs, worries and such, then they will knock down your door to join in. They will want what they believe you have or believe you can help them get. They reinforce this belief through the relationship you build. Again remember their hot buttons and show the benefits of having yourself, your products, services or business opportunity. Maintain a position of strength, do not be over eager to allow someone to sign on.

Now why would I take away or let someone think I am not going to allow them to join what I am doing? That is very important and here is why. Time Management of people who are not committed is not profitable. You only want to work with talented people, committed people, motivated and focused. You need to let them know you are pre-screening to find only the best people you can share your time and expertise with. Anyone else will take far too much effort, resources and time. Protect your time and things begin to take shape quickly. The idea is to find the quality contacts and help them become quality associates. You only need a few quality associates to build a strong and profitable business. Talent is the key so when building that initial relationship review their strengths and weaknesses. Give time to the ones who will be willing to learn, work and take your expert direction.

For additional information or questions send Emails to: