
Monday, March 30, 2009

Are You In Control?

Are You In Control ?

Are you really in control? This is a most important question to ask yourself. It requires total honesty with no one but yourself. Lets look at the controlling factors. I would like you to ask yourself about Time and Money. Is there enough of both?

Is there enough time for yourself and love ones? Do you have money when you have time? Are you being controlled by money or the lack of it? I know there are a lot of questions but you have to face up to it and take control.

The need for money steals precious time. You have no choice but to trade your time for money. This act alone controls everyone around you. Good or Bad it is a simple fact we all face daily.

How would your life style change if you did not have to worry about going to work for eight or more hours a day. Lets be real here, after getting ready, travel time to and from work, and the actual time at work, we are spending more like ten to twelve hours a day every time we go to the job.

Now factor in the time you and your love ones require and we find yourselves needing a 48 hour day to cover it. So everyone suffers from this money monster.

How would your life style change if you had no money worries? Does you job pay you what you are worth for your time and efforts. Most times not even close, yet we still jump when the old alarm clock yells. This is no Quality of Life and what signal does this send to our children. Is this what you want for them?

We have all had that awesome weekend with our love ones but to only dread a fast approaching Monday. Then the nightmare starts again. This is crazy not even necessary. It is time to take charge and regain your freedom.

Find a Personal Interest in a niche you would enjoy developing. It becomes easy if you have a true interest and far more enjoyable. The best way to get paid what you are worth is to Work for Yourself. This is easier than most think.

Find an organization with a Proven System in place. More important with people you would enjoy learning from. Support from these individuals is key to your success.

There are a lot of businesses available but few with true support. If they are covert in disclosing basic information you should move on. Too many become hard to track down after they have your money in hand. Look for a plain and simple break down of all monies and materials needed to start. No surprises, no additional monies here and there further down the line. If you hear the word upgrade you need to run. If you have to pay for a level here and a level there, you need to question their system.

So take your time and choose carefully. If you would like help in this process we can help coach you. We offer a unique system with superior support. Our product line is well targeted and sells itself. We will be happy if you allow us to help you. We can walk you through and answer any question with no obligation.

Feel free to contact us directly at for more information

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Building Relative Value

Building Relative Value

When building up your business, there is a need for building relative value in your products and services. Your want to establish how your products and services are the best choice for your clients needs.

* List features and benefits
* Build value into the products and services
* Show how you are the solution to their problems, issues or needs
* Develop Credibility – Reinforced with facts and testimonials
* Fulfill their desires, cravings, emotional wants, passions or satisfy an impulse
* Justify a great price point – break down the value in related comparisons
* Offer an excellent guarantee adding security in the purchase
* Ease in ordering and getting in a timely fashion. Define delivery times and be realistic. Always allow more than enough time.

Remember people love to buy but never want to be sold. This is a point most over look when trying to drive sales. If you sell anything, Sell Yourself. Show them how you are different and the best choice. People will purchase if they feel they are special and given personalized service. Quite often willing to pay more for such service. You need to understand this behavior in order to develop a long term relationship with your customer base.

Repeat sales are the key. Avoid the “Get The Sale At All Cost Mentality”. It will cost you greatly in the long run.

So how is this done? First thing is to listen...! A potential client will tell you how to sell them if you just listen. So learn to look for their hot points. Identify their needs and show how you can help. Give them solutions to their needs. If you know it all and are unwilling to learn or try to force a sale, you will be left behind. Needs change quickly and you need to adjust just as quick, so stay informed by listening.

Reassure them with Superior Customer Support And Service. This builds long term relationships for continued sales and your business security. They need to feel if there is ever a question or problem, they can reach you and get results in a timely fashion.

Learn and apply the “Justification Mechanism”. A client needs to feel they are getting a good deal. They feel the relative value is based on:

* Solving a problem, issue or need
* Is the price justifiable in trade for the product or service

It is important they feel they are getting the very best deal possible. If they feel the purchase is a 50 / 50 or better in their favor, you will earn their respect and client confidence.

After the sale, remember to follow up, reinforcing the relationship. This allows for additional sales, up sales and referrals. Referrals are pre-conditioned sales ready to purchase at no real cost to you. Keeping your business healthy, strong and with higher profits.

Work more as a consultant, not a salesperson and gain their trust. They will see you as the expert and seek your advise. Guard the relationships you have built. You want to be transparent and open, clients want honesty more than anything else. Have a genuine interest in them and you will gain their loyalty.

Follow these points and it will build Relative Value in your products and services but more importantly in yourself. You are the expert and this is how you use this fact to build in value.

For more information or questions contact us directly by Email at

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Basic Questions To Grow Your Team Or Organization

Basic Questions Key To Grow Your Team Or Organization

There are some very basic questions you need to ask persons looking to join your team or organization. This is not magic but the results are magic..! Remember if you appear desperate your results will be dismal. You need to maintain a position of strength and you will attract strong and positive members. This is key to building a strong organization which is better time management and pays better results. You find if you allow persons unfocused and not willing to make a true commitment, you will be trading your time away with little results. The point here is to save yourself the pains most people go through and maintain control. You want to attract people willing to learn and more importantly wanting to grow their own business. You are the expert here and they want what you have, Knowledge of how it is done...! They would not be looking if they already knew how. So here are some quick and basic questions you need to ask to find the correct quality people.

1. Are you still looking for a business of your own? (They need to understand that it will be their own business)
2. How long have you been looking? (If they have been looking longer than six months this is a red flag. They are unable to make a decision)
3. Why are you looking for a business of your own? (They truly need to know why. If they can not identify why, then you should thank them and move on)
4. What do you expect or need to make? (You are looking for people wanting to make $2,000.00 a month or more)
5. How may hours a week will you put into your business? (10 hours a week is the minimum you are looking for)
6. How can I help you? (What they are looking for you to do. Make a list)
7. Do you have the minimum monies to get started? (This is a monetary commitment and a must do)

Remember this is a sorting process. You are wanting to rate them by their commitment levels. Maintain your position of strength, it is OK to take it away from them. They need to deserve your time and they also need to understand this. If they pass the sorting process tell them they maybe someone who you can work with.

They need to prove they can complete the task you lay out for them. This shows their commitment. When giving task be sure to identify the task clearly and have a firm time line. This is a testing method to be sure who you spend time on. Your time is precious and wasting it on the wrong people can cost you a great deal more than just time.

To contact us directly please Email to

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Eye See Freedom ..!

Eye See Freedom ..!

I see freedom in these so called bad times. We have been amazed at the quality and quantity of people in search of alternatives to the economic woes of today.

The corporations have let down the people who have built them up and rewarded them with layoffs, down sizing and many just closing their doors forever. This has left the masses in a state of panic..! Too many well paid professionals are finding there is no market for their skills. Their lives changing forever. Now wondering what to do.

With the quagmire of the economy many are looking to a business of their own. No more bosses to deal with. No more shaky companies that show no loyalty to their people. They want to be in control and for most this is the first time ever. They just want the security of being in charge. Regaining control of their time, monies and future.

Our business is just booming and we thank the intelligence of these people for seeking us out. This is why I say “Eye See Freedom”. Our business is about helping people to develop personal freedom and have them do the same for others. Like the movie “Pay it forward”. If everyone would help others and pass on the ideals to the next, what a wonderful place the world would be!

We offer individuals and business owners alike free training and business coaching. If you are in need of help contact us at for more information.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Vemma proudly announces its second year as the official After-Party sponsor of the 2009 Celebrity Fight Night

Vemma proudly announces its second year as the official After-Party sponsor of the 2009 Celebrity Fight Night, held on March 28th at the JW Marriott Resort in Phoenix. Celebrating its 15th year, Celebrity Fight Night attracts the biggest names in sports and entertainment as one of the premiere charity events in the country. Celebrity Fight Night is held in honor of featured guest, Muhammad Ali, to raise funds benefiting the Muhammad Ali Parkinson Center at the Barrow Neurological Institute and many other prominent charities. To date, over $52 million dollars has been raised through Celebrity Fight Night’s annual gala.

Reba McEntire will return for her 4th consecutive appearance as the evening's emcee of this sold-out event. Knock out entertainment by Jon Bon Jovi, David Foster, Roy Firestone, Charice, and Michael Johns will heighten the excitement of the night along with silent and live auctions at this star-studded event. Honorees of the night include Michael Phelps, Stewart Rahr and Kurt Warner as these renowned leaders in the sports and business communities accept the Muhammad Ali Award.

The Verve After-Party will keep the positive energy flowing with refreshing Verve cocktails and exquisite Verve gift bags as Jordin Sparks rocks the night away! Vemma is honored to be involved with this power-packed evening that will leave a lasting impression on all who attend.

Visit Celebrity Fight Night to learn more about this exceptional organization.

To contact us directly please Email to: