
Saturday, November 29, 2008

In the beginning

This is a bit new to me so I hope I'm able to provide a place to discuss life in the Shenandoah Valley and Great Information in reference to better living. After living all over the World and visiting everywhere from New Zealand to Alaska, I have found myself back here in the Shenandoah Valley. The beauty here is like a magnet to me and the draw is quite strong. We have a foot hill in the Valley below Afton Mountain and here has always been home. I've been to many places of beauty but these mountains always call me home. I had been gone for about 10 years this time and had been in Northern Virginia before home again. I was running a high end construction company in McLean, Virginia but was not really happy there. The monies were good but still I was missing something. Now that I'm back and hopefully to stay, I hope to look and rediscover everything here again. I would look forward to input as far as all the great out of doors ( things to do ) and places offered here. I believe if you live good, you live a longer and a fuller life. I'll be looking at all the local events, foods, night life, places of interest and things we can do to improve our health. I truly hope you can help with this as well. Your input will be greatly appreciated.

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